The only sign of commercial activity within the harbour, visible from the beach of the Great Isabel, is the square blunt end of the wooden jetty which the Oceanic SteamContinue readingMultiple Page Post
Standard Format with Featured Image
At night the body of clouds advancing higher up the sky smothers the whole quiet gulf below with an impenetrable darkness, in which the sound of the falling showers canContinue readingStandard Format with Featured Image
Get Small To Get Big
If we trace a path that starts with Gutenberg’s use of moveable type to Malcom McLean’s invention of the shipping container, we start to recognize a very interesting pattern: EachContinue readingGet Small To Get Big
Human faces: Inspire People
Human faces are very powerful. User Experience designer Aarron Walter describes in his book Designing for Emotion why we appreciate human faces so much. He explains that we are constantlyContinue readingHuman faces: Inspire People
Before I had time to respond
Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which liftsContinue readingBefore I had time to respond
A lighthouse is a tower, building, or other type of structure designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses, and to serve as a navigational aid forContinue readingLighthouse
Home Office
Small office/home office (or single office/home office; SOHO) refers to the category of business or cottage industry that involves from 1 to 10 workers. In New Zealand, the Ministry ofContinue readingHome Office
Vespa Scooter
Vespa is an Italian brand of scooter manufactured by Piaggio. The name means wasp in Italian. The Vespa has evolved from a single model motor scooter manufactured in 1946 byContinue readingVespa Scooter
More Tag Example
It might have been said that there he was only protecting his own. From the first he had been admitted to live in the intimacy of the family of theContinue readingMore Tag Example
YouTube Video
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi vitae hendrerit purus, non imperdiet lacus. In dignissim ultricies tellus sit amet placerat. Aliquam vitae dignissim sem.Continue readingYouTube Video